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Here are two of my light bult moments!

Here are two of my light bult moments!

I would like to thank Business Gateway East Dunbartonshire for arranging for me to spend an excellent hour with Laura Sutherland from Aura PR. We talked about the ways I can gather market research and the importance of knowing my objectives.

I made lots of notes and came away with lots of ideas, some of which are obvious when you realised what they are.

I find talking to someone else and getting their thoughts on what you do creates new and exciting ideas.

I have also been talking to a friend who understands how schools work and getting her comments after reading the feedback I got from Clober Primary School.

I have come away with lots of exciting ideas for workshops and worksheets.

I really value talking to other people and am constantly surprised by what comes out of these conversations

Who do you like talking to?

I'd love to hear from you if you'd like to contact me.

(Picture courtesy of Pixabay)