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Kirkintilloch Canal Festival 2019

Kirkintilloch Canal Festival 2019

I took my books out to the Kirkintilloch Canal festival at the weekend and had a wonderful time. I met lots of friendly people, some I knew and some who where new to me.

The children enjoyed drawing on my activity sheets and had some amazing ideas. My favourire was a skeleton pirate sailing on a ship to an island, with palm trees with black bats hanging from the branches.

I was also asking if there was any interest in my children's and adult's writing classes. I am delighted to say I got some email addresses for my children's writing classes. I also got someone interested in receiving my activity sheet when I change it on my website.

The other stall holders were very friendly and were selling a huge variety of things ranging from knitted socks, decorated boxes to jewellery and knitted toys.

I sold one copy of 'I Can Create Stories' too.

I really enjoyed myself.

What did you do at the weekend?

I'd love to hear from you if you'd like to contact me.