What have you been celebrating achieving?

Yes, I did it!
Whilst I am editing a story I discover the little details I have missed when I am writing my story. In a film I would call this continuity. I love the feeling of completion when all the aspects of the plot are complete and tie-up together.
In my ‘fun’ story, A race against time, I had realised I needed to name an organisation to add depth to the plot. I sent the thought to the back of my mind and asked what I would call the organisation. I also talked to a friend who I have already read my first draft to. As we were coming up with ideas a name popped into my brain and it is perfect.
I now have one more detail ironed out. The next question is do I name a project, which is mentioned in the story, or not. I’m still thinking about that one.
I am nearly finished my first edit of my ‘fun’ story. It is so satisfying to realise how much I have actually completed. This fact spurs me on to keep going with the rest of the editing.
I love writing.
In my interactive story creating book, called I Can Create Stories, children can read, draw, create and listen to stories. If you know of a child who loves to create stories please get in touch with me.
Photo courtesy of Pixabay