Where do your stories start?
Where do your stories start?
When I write I am imagining a movie playing in my head. The opening scene is the most important. I ask myself – what aspect of the story is most important to me? What will grab the reader’s attention? What will make them want to keep reading my book?
I would encourage you to go through the same process when you are writing your stories. The starting point may not be where you think it is.
You have gathered all this wonderful information about your story or even a family history. Now you want to write it so someone can read it.
What is the most important aspect of the story to you? If you were telling someone about what you had learned, what would you tell them first?
Write down what comes into your mind and keep writing. Read over what you have written, when you stop a line of thinking, and read it back to yourself. Then write what comes into your mind next. Follow this process and see what is on the page.
You may change the order of what you have written down eventually and this is okay. It is important to remember that you can only edit a page of information which is written down.
I hope you have found this blog useful.
If you have any questions about writing please do get in touch with me. I would love to help you.
(Photo courtesy of Pixabay)