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Your mind is amazing!

Your  mind is amazing!

Your mind is amazing!

Going with your thoughts and ideas can lead you to the most amazing places.

When I was writing my young adult book, Pure Human City, I had the initial thought about what would happen if there wasn’t enough oxygen coming from the trees. Kyle, the Ordinary Settlement, Pure Oxygen Machines, the Pure Human City and the Organisation were born.

I spent four months of mornings at the library writing and finished with a completed story – amazing. I then contacted Indie Authors World and made an item on my bucket list come true.

No matter what you are writing be it a post or a book or an article or anything else, listen to yourself and trust whatever you want to say is inside of you.

For more information about Pure Human City please visit the Books page of my website – https://www.clairemillerauthor.co.uk/claire-miller-books.php.

Please contact me if you like any writing tiops.