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Serena's story - Who lives in the castle?

Serena's story - Who lives in the castle?

Hi everyone, Serena here, I loved Claire’s worksheet with the castle on it asking - who lives in the castle?  Here are my story ideas and my actual story.


My story ideas

So the knights are in the castle, let me think.  I have it!  They are all playing games, snakes and ladders and tiddly winks amongst some of the chosen games.

Now why?  Ah yes because there is a championship coming up and the knights need to practise. 

All the castles in the area are sending their best players to compete in the Lands ultimate competition.  The prize is a huge trophy and the honour of hosting the next Championship.

The blue knight has just won snakes and ladders.  The red knight has just flipped the tiddly wink across the courtyard. 

All the knights have finished playing and are awaiting the final decision.  The King is looking at all the results.  There’s a pause.  Everyone is holding their breath.

The King addresses the Knights and announces that the blue knight has just won.  Everyone is cheering and congratulating the blue knight.  The blue knight looks nervous and pleased; the honour of the castle is on his shoulders now.


Here goes, I’m ready to write my story

The blue knight sat opposite his opponent in the grand hall of the chosen castle to hold the Championship.  He was really nervous.  He remembered the feeling of joy as he was announced the winner at his castle and wondered what exactly he had let himself in for.

            He was good at games like snakes and ladders and tiddly winks but games like marbles were a little harder.  His marbles never seemed to go in the direction he intended them to go in.  The next game was marbles.

            He glanced at the leader board, he was third.  He gulped; he needed to do well to stay in third position.  All around him pairs of knights were sat opposite each other at small, square tables, all getting ready to play marbles.

            He glanced at his opponent and saw a confident grin.  The blue knight just hoped everyone back at his castle would appreciate his efforts.  Cheering came from the balcony overlooking the grand hall.  The blue knight looked up to see some knights from his castle.  He didn’t want to let anyone down.

            He had no idea how much time had passed when the end to the marbles round was announced.  He had been focussing so hard on doing well.  Servants came round the tables and counted the number of marbles each knight had won.  The blue knight had less than his opponent.

            Everyone watched the leader board as the results were added.  The blue knight had slipped into fifth place.  He had tried.  He was going back to his castle knowing he had done his best.

           The rest of the event slipped by as game after game was played.  The blue knight focused on each moment and was very relieved when the final game was over.  The results were added to the leader board for the last time.  The blue knight was looking forward to going back to his castle.

            The judges announced the winner.  The blue knight watched as the winner picked up the trophy and the honour of hosting the next Championship.  Several of the knights from the blue knight’s castle came and congratulated him.  He wondered what for until it was pointed to him he had come second overall.

            He stared in amazement.  He couldn’t believe it.  His opponent congratulated him on his performance.  The blue knight shook his head in wonder; he would never have predicated this result.  He went back to his castle determined to practise playing marbles, maybe another time he would be lucky enough to win.


I hope you liked my story.  I’d love to know what you think.  Please contact me using the Contact page on Claire’s website.  More activity sheets can be found on my page, called Serena, on Claire’s website.


Thanks for reading.
