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Publishing dreams come true.

Publishing dreams come true.

At the Campsie Writers’ Group Gordon Waugh was launching his book ‘Evil Ways’. He gave a very interesting talk where he told us about his journey to getting ‘Evil Ways’ published.

He described how Kim Macleod, of Indie Authors World, coming to one of our meetings, and introduced him to the idea of getting a book published, was instrumental in him being where he is today. He has learned all about what is involved in editing a book and is now writing his third book, based on one of the characters in ‘Evil Ways’.

He believes his involvement in the Campsie Writers’ Group has been a big help in how he has approached his writing since publishing his first book ‘Dark Days’.

There was much laughter and enjoyment from everybody.

It was lovely to hear Gordon’s story of how it has been for him publishing his books

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